vysyble interview premier league economy

“Any disruption to the revenue flow into P. League clubs will result in severe financial hardship”

Cosmin Iftode / Shutterstock.com

How the Coronavirus crisis will impact the economy of the Premier League? Roger Bell and John Purcell from Vysyble, company specialized in the creation of value for shareholders of sport organizations, analysed the situation in depth for Ecofoot.fr

According to KPMG study, the cancellation of the end of the Premier League 2019-20 season could cost to clubs between 1 150 and 1 250 M€. Do you agree with this estimation? Could Premier League clubs support such a loss?

We have seen a lot of conjecture and speculation in recent days regarding the level of potential losses that the Premier League and its clubs may have to endure if the season is not finished or declared void. Certainly, what is clear is the financial dominance and influence the broadcasting companies have over the administration of the English game.

The concept of ‘no product, no payment’ has been widely touted as the reason for fearing the worst. The amounts involved may indeed be considerable but until there is a clear path, the conjecture and speculation will remain.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel tortor facilisis, vulputate magna at, pulvinar arcu. Maecenas sollicitudin turpis a mauris ultrices, ac dignissim nunc auctor. Aenean feugiat, odio in facilisis sollicitudin, augue lectus elementum felis, ut lacinia nulla urna ac urna. Nullam vitae est a risus dictum congue. Cras non lacus id magna scelerisque sodales. Curabitur non fermentum odio, vitae accumsan odio.

Contenu masqué de l'article... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel tortor facilisis, vulputate magna at, pulvinar arcu. Maecenas sollicitudin turpis a mauris ultrices, ac dignissim nunc auctor. Aenean feugiat, odio in facilisis sollicitudin, augue lectus elementum felis, ut lacinia nulla urna ac urna. Nullam vitae est a risus dictum congue. Cras non lacus id magna scelerisque sodales. Curabitur non fermentum odio, vitae accumsan odio.

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“Any disruption to the revenue flow into P. League clubs will result in severe financial hardship”

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